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Baking industrial style.  Well thought-out processes, convincing results

At MIWE, the focus is on customer benefit. We ensure that you can reliably and efficiently achieve exactly the products, quantities and quality you have set out to achieve in your bakery.  

Everything from a single source

Ovens, refrigeration technology, loading, energy - our systems are ideally harmonised with each other

A strong partner at your side

Design, implementation, support: MIWE experts ensure that your production runs smoothly.

Demonstration bakery

Discover, try out, plan: test our entire portfolio at your leisure at the LBC in Arnstein.

Many processes - one holistic solution.
We realise your production line. From A for baking to Z for intermediate proofing

Whether in a small artisan bakery or the centralised production of a large chain store: it's never just about baking. For the efficient production of crusty rolls, crispy bread and delicately flaky pastries, seamless processes are particularly important in addition to dough control, temperature and timing. At MIWE, we plan your entire, seamless production line. From the baking ovens, including loading, to the refrigeration technology for proofing, cooling, freezing and storage, right through to heat recovery.

Holistic solutions from the experts

We have been supporting bakers for more than 100 years and are very familiar with the constantly changing requirements of bakeries and baking businesses of all kinds. Our solutions cover all production steps in which clever control of temperature, humidity and time play a decisive role in determining the quality of baked goods. In addition to refrigeration systems and ovens, our portfolio also includes solutions for loading and transport through to energy management - in all conceivable variants and sizes.

Flue gas or thermal oil? Trolley or deck oven? Heated with gas, oil or electrically? The choice is yours!

Only you know how your products need to look to be appreciated by your customers. Do you prefer rye bread with a rustic crust and a wild crust, or would you rather have it tapped and shiny? Mixed wheat breads with coarse or fine pores? Buns with a thick crust, a light-coloured waist and a thick base or would you prefer them to be evenly browned? Whatever your ideas (and the preferences of your customers) are: Together we will find the right system for you. How fortunate that our broad oven portfolio covers almost all common energy sources, heat transfer types, heating media and designs. This gives you the freedom to choose the system that gives your products exactly the character you want.

No two bakeries are the same - and neither are our concepts

Whatever you want your baked goods to look like in the end - the path to the finished product must be economical. Our engineering team will work with you to determine which production processes are best suited to your business. What is produced when, how and in what quantities? When do you work in the pastry shop and when do you work with the ovens? How much space and time are available for refrigeration processes? Which procedures are used? What do the branch network and delivery structures look like? This is the only way to create well thought-out bakery concepts. And they are decisive for your economic success - and therefore for us too. Because we are only satisfied when you are, too.

Ready today for tomorrow

Having MIWE as a partner for your bakery means that everything comes from a single source and can be expanded at any time. Your deck oven is currently still loaded manually, but could it be semi- or fully automated in the future? Will the three rack ovens be joined later by a fourth? No problem. We already take future growth into account in our planning. This keeps you flexible and fit for the future. And you can see and assess in advance how the whole thing will look with the MIWE planner.

Are you looking for solutions for your production or do you have any questions?

Whether you are a small artisan bakery, confectioner or large bakery chain, together we will develop the right concept for your individual requirements. Our experts will be happy to advise you!

MIWE. Better baking. Better business. MIWE. Better baking. Better business. MIWE. Better baking. Better business. MIWE. Better baking. Better business. MIWE. Better baking. Better business.
MIWE. Better baking. Better business. MIWE. Better baking. Better business. MIWE. Better baking. Better business. MIWE. Better baking. Better business. MIWE. Better baking. Better business.

MIWE. Your experienced partner for industrial-scale baking

Baked goods are our world. This is particularly noticeable in our integrated production solutions for bakeries of all sizes. From cooling to proofing, deck baking to convection ovens, including loading and transport or intelligent software solutions for the central management of your systems: at MIWE, we develop customised concepts so that you can produce the best possible products and work efficiently and with an eye to the future. Day after day.

Baking with MIWE: sustainable processes from a single source

Benefit from our many years of experience and individual, professional advice! Whether individual components or complete production lines, we will work with you to find the ideal solution for your individual requirements. Making life easier for bakers is our daily practice.

Sophisticated planning, perfect coordination: these are your advantages

  • At MIWE, you get everything from a single source, from bakery refrigeration systems and production ovens to solutions for energy recovery.
  • With the MIWE planner, bakery planning is visualised true-to-life. This means you have an overview of production processes, routes and material flows in advance and can avoid costly planning errors.
  • We offer solutions for artisan bakers as well as large-scale bakery chains, and support you in the transformation towards a future-oriented business.
  • Continuous development and adaptation of our portfolio and software functionalities based on the latest findings are naturally part of what we do.
  • MIWE is not tied to one oven system. This means that we can provide unbiased advice and you will be satisfied with your systems in the long term.
  • In addition to the hardware, the software environment is also considered from the outset. For full control and smooth processes.

How MIWE supports you in your daily operations

Success stories: MIWE industrial-scale baking at a local bakery

"Technik soll uns helfen die schwere Arbeit ohne Qualitätsverlust zu erleichtern"
Badische Backstub‘
Ettlingen, Deutschland
"Der MIWE roll-in e+ erzielt beste Backergebnisse bei niedrigem Energieverbrauch. Eine sinnvolle Investition "
Bäckerei Bertschi
Kloten, Schweiz
"Wer für die Zukunft aufgestellt sein will, der muss auch an Wärmerückgewinnung denken"
Bäckerei Bolten
Duisburg, Deutschland
"Bäckerkälte macht Arbeiten rationeller und entzerrt Engpässe"
Bäckerei Burger
Großweikersdorf, Österreich
"Niedriger Energieverbrauch ist wichtig. Noch wichtiger ist das Backergebnis"
Bäckerei Burkard
Pommersfelden, Deutschland
"Wir gewinnen mehr Energie zurück, als berechnet war"
Bäckerei Evertzberg
Remscheid, Deutschland
"MIWE thermo-static: rollende Beschickung und ganz andere Qualität des Backergebnisses"
Bäckerei Franzes
Meschede Berge, Deutschland
"Der neue Stikkenofen aus Arnstein war für uns dann erste Wahl"
Bäckerei Gebert
Gnodstadt, Deutschland
"Die Backqualität stimmt. Wichtig ist aber auch die Optik"
Backhaus Grobe
Dortmund, Deutschland
"MIWE variobake: für jedes Produkt die beste Backatmosphäre"
Bäckerei Grünhoff
Norden-Norddeich, Deutschland
"Flexibel auf höchstem Niveau backen"
Hotel Süllberg
Hamburg, Deutschland
"Wir sparen so nachhaltig Energie bei bester Qualität der Backwaren"
Bäckerei Jägers
Borken, Deutschland
„Das Konzept und auch die Verarbeitung haben uns überzeugt"
Kaisers Gute Backstube
Ehrenkirchen, Deutschland
"Ein Vorteil im Vergleich zu Tasten und Drehreglern"
Bäckerei Plücker
Waldeck, Deutschland
"Wir sparen Energie und verbesserten die Qualität durch Langzeitführung"
Schäfers Backstuben GmbH
Biedenkopf, Deutschland
"Wir haben jetzt alles aus einer Hand und einen Ansprechpartner"
Bäckerei Schmitz & Nittenwilm
Köln, Deutschland
"Ein spürbar zurück gegangener Energieverbrauch"
Confiserie Sprüngli
Zürich, Schweiz
"Durchdachte Technik und eine umfassende Überwachung"
Bäckerei Staib
Ulm, Deutschland
"Den GVA so genau steuern wie noch nie"
Bäckerei Treiber
Steinenbronn, Deutschland
"Nur MIWE hat sich eine Verbundanlage mit CO2-Kältemittel zugetraut"
Bäckerei Weller
Dreieich, Deutschland
"Kompetenz und das Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis haben uns überzeugt"
Bäckerei Winkler
Litzendorf, Deutschland

Didn't find exactly what you were looking for? Or would you like to arrange a consultation appointment?

Talk directly to a MIWE expert and get personalised advice.

MIWE Live Baking Centre. MIWE Live Baking Centre. MIWE Live Baking Centre. MIWE Live Baking Centre. MIWE Live Baking Centre. MIWE Live Baking Centre. MIWE Live Baking Centre. MIWE Live Baking Centre. MIWE Live Baking Centre.
MIWE Live Baking Centre. MIWE Live Baking Centre. MIWE Live Baking Centre. MIWE Live Baking Centre. MIWE Live Baking Centre. MIWE Live Baking Centre. MIWE Live Baking Centre. MIWE Live Baking Centre. MIWE Live Baking Centre.
In addition to the entire technology for central production, the complete product portfolio for in-store baking is of course also available for extensive testing in our MIWE Live Baking Centre.
In addition to the entire technology for central production, the complete product portfolio for in-store baking is of course also available for extensive testing in our MIWE Live Baking Centre.
At workshops, seminars and events of all kinds, we bring interested parties closer to the world of shop baking at LBC. Here as a guest: bread sommelier Tobias Exner at MIWE expo.
At workshops, seminars and events of all kinds, we bring interested parties closer to the world of shop baking at LBC. Here as a guest: bread sommelier Tobias Exner at MIWE expo.
The baking masters from MIWE will of course be there to support you with their experience and expertise during your visit to the MIWE Live Baking Centre.
The baking masters from MIWE will of course be there to support you with their experience and expertise during your visit to the MIWE Live Baking Centre.

Test our technologies in the MIWE Live Baking Centre

Pictures are patient - only in practice does it become clear whether a product delivers what it promises. At the MIWE live baking centre in Arnstein, you can put our bakery systems and production solutions through their paces in a fully equipped demonstration bakery. The motto "Meet the experts" is to be taken literally: Not only can you ask our master bakers and dough technologists in person, we also offer comprehensive expert workshops and seminars. We would be happy to help you plan your trip!

See what you'll get later right now: the MIWE planner

Who on earth would ever buy something blindfolded? With the MIWE planner, our virtual 3D bakery planning tool, you can see in advance what the new production line will look like, how it will fit into your bakery and how the processes will run in your operating environment. In addition to the ideal installation location for individual ovens, the ideal solutions can also be developed for complex requirements where the smooth interaction and interlocking of several components must be carefully considered.


Track down energy-saving potential with MIWE energy!

In times of rising energy costs, it is essential to optimise processes in order to save costs. And the environment also benefits when less energy is needed to produce delicious baked goods. MIWE energy can help you. We develop a customised concept and show you how to optimise the energy flow in your bakery and where energy can be saved, recovered and, above all, reused profitably. This will make your business fit for the future in no time at all.

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