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Our service

When time is of the essence, we're there for you!

You can reach our service team 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Fully qualified specialists and modern deployment management ensure swift availability & high-quality performance of the work. You can reach us via our service hotline or the service contact form

Service form

Simply leave your message using the service form below. 

Your concerns are important to us! In order to process your enquiry quickly and satisfactorily, our service team will contact you as soon as possible.

Service hotline

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Location of the fault

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By granting my consent, I confirm that MIWE Michael Wenz GmbH may collect, store and use my personal information and e-mail address in order to send information about new products, offers, customer promotions and events, and to transfer this data to contracted service providers as well as affiliated companies and subsidiaries for these purposes. Detailed information about data protection can be found at https://www.miwe.de/datenschutz.
I can withdraw my consent for the use of my data for advertising purposes at any time with immediate effect for the future, e.g. by e-mail (cntctmwd), in writing (MIWE Michael Wenz GmbH, Michael-Wenz-Strasse 2-10, 97450 Arnstein, Germany) or by telephone (+49 9363-680).

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