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Job portal
Start your career at MIWE

As a growing company, we offer new jobs all the time. As a rule you will find vacancies here in many areas of the company at our production locations in Arnstein and Meiningen, throughout Germany and worldwide. No matter what type of specialist job you are looking for, we achieve peak performance together.

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Show initiative

We appreciate people who pursue their goals consistently and do not let apparent obstacles knock them off course. That is why we are always happy to receive unsolicited applications from talents and specialists who do not find an appropriate position in our job exchange. If possible, we will find or create a suitable job for you and your abilities.

Send your compelling application to:

Starting your career

Finished school and looking for a job with a future? Then have a look at the opportunities MIWE offers you for a successful start to your career. Vocational training or cooperative education not only allow you to learn a lot, but also enable you to show us what you can do. Our goal is always a long-term cooperation, so we invest in you from day one.

Around the world

We make baking easier and more successful. In future, MIWE will spread this principle around the world to an even greater extent. Our employees are already working toward this, and international jobs are being created for it. We look forward to your specific or unsolicited application with your impulse for global success. Let us work together to let quality win out.

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