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Updates & Features
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Feature updates at a glance

  • Software-Update
    Discover the versatile functions of the MIWE condo

    The MIWE condo deck oven is a universal masterpiece for a wide range of products and a variety of applications. From artisan bakers to branch outlets, it delivers first-class baked goods and numerous functions for easy operation and outstanding baking results. We would like to explain some of these functions in more detail here and show you what you can achieve with them.

  • Software-Update
    MIWE roll-in software update, Status: April 2022

    For over 50 years, the MIWE roll-in has been considered a trendsetter and the centrepiece of rolling production in the bakery. This is our incentive to constantly work at making it even better.

    • MIWE variobake – for products with strong character
    • Booster function – for fast batch-after-batch baking
    • Connectivity features – for simple processes
  • Software-Update
    MIWE roll-in new functions and features

    The MIWE roll-in is packed with a wide range of innovative functions and solutions that make life easier for bakers.

    • MIWE atmospheric baking – for perfect baking, regardless of external influences

    • MIWE delta baking – two burner levels for different energy input strengths

    • MIWE magnetic area – bread knives and accessories always within easy reach

    • Steam-proof door seal – keeps steam and heat where they belong

    • and much more


With MIWE services you are well positioned

MIWE Service – Products
MIWE Service – Products

Your MIWE Service – Products

Technical question about your MIWE system? Do you need support with automation technology or for your bakery refrigeration system? You will find the service you need here.

MIWE Service – Contact
MIWE Service – Contact

Contact us

Are you interested in our products, do you have specific questions or would you like direct advice? Whatever you need, we look forward to hearing from you.

MIWE Service – Download
MIWE Service – Download

Find the latest MIWE software

With the latest programmes from MIWE, you are always up to date and can make your work even easier. You can find the MIWE downloads here.

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