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MIWE production ovens

Both deck and wagon ovens are standard equipment in craft bakeries. Ultimately, the baker’s choice of system is based on the desired baking results.

Rack/wagon ovens

For excellent baking results, our rack ovens as well as our wagon ovens offer solutions for every aspect of the production flow. Wagon ovens stand out especially with the advantages of rational loading.

Deck ovens

Our deck ovens offer optimal baking results and are appreciated by users around the world. Today everyone is talking about flexibility. That has long been part of our day-to-day work: we have been making bakers' lives easier for decades with our deck ovens. They give you the flexibility a modern bakehouse requires. Our motto is always: highly economical, carefully engineered, made to last and always reliable.

Continuous oven

Baking rolls on a conveyor belt requires at least one continuous oven that can quickly handle large quantities. With our flexible assortment, you do not have to adapt to the pass through. Instead we tailor the oven to fit your needs, whether it involves continuous baking or step operation.

Flue gas systems

Would you like to bake on a flue-gas circulator as if it were a thermal oil baking oven and still have all the flue-gas characteristics at your disposal? Our latest flue gas systems offer you this benefit.

Thermal oil systems

Thermal oil can absorb and transport a lot of energy, which is why the temperature of the thermal oil in the oven is generally only approximately +20 °C higher than the required baking chamber temperature.

Electrically heated systems

Groundbreaking electric baking. Our electrically heated ovens impress with outstanding baking characteristics and are extremely economical with energy consumption.

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