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MIWE cleaning control

Shines in every way

This is what cleanliness at the push of a button looks like. The MIWE cleaning control is the fully automatic cleaning function for MIWE baking stations.

It offers thorough cleanliness, optimal operating convenience and perfect safety because it manages with just a single, biodegradable cleaning agent, which is easily filled into a storage tank from the front with no contact required.

Four cleaning stages
Four different cleaning stages are available for different levels of soiling (this helps to save not only cleaning agent but also water and electricity). The shortest cleaning stage takes about 30 minutes and is perfect for quick cleaning during operations. Cleaning for heavy soiling takes up to six hours and can be carried out overnight.

Save energy
In conjunction with the MIWE auto-start technology, you can also clean your baking station overnight outside of business hours and take advantage of the residual heat from the cleaning process for heating up the oven during the first baking process.

The advantages of the MIWE cleaning control

  • Automated cleaning system – requires no staff, runs automatically
  • Powerful with two cleaning stages depending on the degree of dirtiness
  • Safe by means of MIWE cleaner, a biodegradable cleaning agent, and contactless tank filling
  • Energy efficient can be combined with
  • Automatic refill indicator (one detergent filling is sufficient for about 20 - 30 cycles)
  • Unbeatable cleaning costs allow you to clean daily
  • Performed cleanings are logged by the control unit so you have a record

MIWE cleaning control in the impulse

In the MIWE impulse, you can find more information on this topic.

All products with MIWE cleaning control technology

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