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MIWE backcombi

A dream team

Combines the best of both baking worlds

Electrically heated combination composed of two first-class oven systems: A convection oven (MIWE aero e+ or MIWE econo) and MIWE condo deck oven combined in one system. Ensures maximum flexibility and exceptional variety in baking, even in the smallest of spaces.

Combines the best of both baking worlds

Electrically heated combination composed of two first-class oven systems: A convection oven (MIWE aero e+ or MIWE econo) and MIWE condo deck oven combined in one system. Ensures maximum flexibility and exceptional variety in baking, even in the smallest of spaces.

MIWE backcombi design models

What makes the MIWE backcombi so unique

More character, more variety

Circulating heat in a convection oven, gentle baking atmosphere on the decks: Every heating type has its own unique characteristics. The advantages of convection ovens and deck ovens come together on the smallest of base measurements. The ideal tool for bakers who value versatility and the individual quality of baked products.

More than just the sum of its parts

Because MIWE backcombis combine a (or a ) and a , the sum of each component's advantages makes for first-class baking and universal use like no other in-store oven from MIWE.

The choice is yours

With the MIWE backcombi, you can also choose whether you (and your assistants) will benefit more from the fixed programmer controller MIWE FP or a modern touch control system MIWE TC (optional) with our brand new user interface MIWE go!.

No need to paint a black picture

If your shop concept so requires, the MIWE backcombi is also available in black.

Experience the MIWE backcombi from all perspectives in this 3D model.

Would you like to see how the MIWE backcombi would fit into your bakery?
Simply activate the augmented reality feature (AR) with your smartphone or tablet! 

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