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In-store baking: tempting aroma and maximum flexibility for oven freshness on demand

In-store baking has long been a successful model: the visible production of baked goods stands for freshness and entices customers to buy. At the same time, you can react flexibly to demand and avoid returns. Simple and efficient with MIWE.

Versatile systems

Convection or floor oven? For a wide range of snacks or a catering service? The world of in-store baking is colourful!

Comprehensive advice

Can we find the perfect system for your needs? Our experts have the ideal solution for your bakery.

Planning and testing on site

Test our systems and ask our experts at the MIWE Live Baking Centre in Arnstein

Best baking results thanks to customised solutions

The smell of fresh bread rolls, crispy pretzels that have just left the oven. In-store baking plays a crucial role in the sales process. The pleasant, appetising ambience in bakeries entices you to buy on impulse and invites you to linger. No matter which shop concept you have chosen or how your product range and production processes are organised, MIWE offers the right technology for your processes and workflows. Convection or deck oven? For a wide range of snacks? We will find the perfect solution for you!

Easy handling, assured baked goods quality

Thanks to clear user guidance and the use of standardised baking programmes for all branches, MIWE in-store baking ovens ensure consistent quality and freshness - even when there is a shortage of trained staff. No matter where, what and how much you bake - with a baking station from MIWE, you can be sure that you get maximum baking quality even on the smallest footprint.

Clean, safe and energy-efficient with little effort

MIWE baking stations have many clever features that make everyday work easier: from the fully automatic MIWE cleaning control function to sophisticated technologies such as the MIWE flexbake automatic quality control or the special frosting function, through to efficient energy management, which can reduce energy consumption by up to 20 per cent by intelligently controlling certain baking chambers. The result: always a good feeling.

Are you interested in our in-store baking systems or do you have any questions?

Together we will work out the ideal solution for your individual requirements. Our experts will be happy to advise you!

Better baking. Better business. MIWE. Better baking. Better business. MIWE. Better baking. Better business. MIWE. Better baking. Better business. MIWE. Better baking. Better business. MIWE.
Better baking. Better business. MIWE. Better baking. Better business. MIWE. Better baking. Better business. MIWE. Better baking. Better business. MIWE. Better baking. Better business. MIWE.

In-store baking depends on having the right partner.

At MIWE, we have been supporting small and large bakeries for many years on their way to greater productivity, sustainability and efficiency. We provide you with hardware and software solutions for proofing, cooling, freezing and baking from a single source. And because we are equally at home in production and the shop, you benefit from well thought-out solutions without interface issues. For perfectly harmonised workflows in production and shops, guaranteed baking quality and maximum efficiency.

Just the way you like it: In-store baking with MIWE

Fragrant croissants from the convection oven, crispy bread rolls from the deck oven, dough pieces with perfect long-life cycle thanks to fully automated refrigeration technology: With MIWE's shop and shop technology, you can say goodbye to tedious night work and easily absorb peaks in demand. Find the ideal in-store baking oven for your business now. We will be happy to advise you!

Flexible, reliable, energy-efficient: the advantages of our shutter jaw systems

  • Reproducible baked goods quality thanks to efficient baking programme management
  • Modular design for flexible expandability and easy maintenance
  • Process reliability in the shops thanks to simple, reliable control
  • Energy savings through automated oven preselection based on the target temperature
  • Customised configuration (convection, shelf, capacity, proofer, etc.)
  • Customised solutions for traditional artisan bakers as well as large chain stores

How MIWE supports you in your daily operations

Success stories: MIWE in-store baking at a local bakery

"Durch den Backofen kann man sehr gut unseren Frischegedanken transportieren"
Atelier F
Hamburg, Deutschland
"Dem Kunden handwerkliche Backkunst näher bringen"
Backhaus Hehl
Müschenbach, Deutschland
"Schülern und Lehrkräfte beste Voraussetzungen zum Lernen und Lehren schaffen"
Berufsschule Kitzingen
Kitzingen, Deutschland
"Frisches Weißbrot aus dem Wenz 1919 ist die beste Werbung für uns"
Bäckerei Dreher
Gengenbach, Deutschland
"Wer ein Smartphone bedienen kann, kann auch den Backofen steuern"
Bäckerei Engel
Höxter, Deutschland
"Die Backqualität stimmt. Wichtig ist aber auch die Optik"
Backhaus Grobe
Dortmund, Deutschland
"Das ist für uns eine neue Dimension des Backens"
The Mandala Hotel
Berlin, Deutschland
"Flexibel auf höchstem Niveau backen"
Hotel Süllberg
Hamburg, Deutschland
"Da merkt man schon einen Unterschied"
Iimori – Patisserie, Café und Restaurant
Frankfurt, Deutschland
"Das traditionell inszinierte Backen fördert das Image des Gesamtunternehmens."
Bäckerei Lechtermann-Pollmeier
Bielefeld, Deutschland
"Details machen den MIWE gusto snack zum Erfolgsfaktor im Laden"
Bäckerei Münzel
Sonthofen, Deutschland
"Diese Investition hat sich gelohnt"
ROY - Kiosk Beck & Take Away
Winterthur, Schweiz
"Ein Knopfdruck und das Backen läuft automatisch ab"
Bäckerei Schoder
Seßlach, Deutschland
"Die Steuerung des Ofens weist den passenden Herd an"
Schürener Backparadies
Dortmund, Deutschland
"Selbst Aushilfen bedienen nach einer kurzen Einweisung den Ofen"
Bäckerei Thonke
Rathenow, Deutschland
"Den Frischeaspekt in den Vordergrund rücken"
Bäckerei Wellmann
Osnabrück, Deutschland

Didn't find what you were looking for? Or would you like to arrange a consultation?

Speak directly to a MIWE expert and get personalised advice.

MIWE Live Baking Centre. MIWE Live Baking Centre. MIWE Live Baking Centre. MIWE Live Baking Centre. MIWE Live Baking Centre. MIWE Live Baking Centre.
MIWE Live Baking Centre. MIWE Live Baking Centre. MIWE Live Baking Centre. MIWE Live Baking Centre. MIWE Live Baking Centre. MIWE Live Baking Centre.
In addition to all the technology for central production, the entire product portfolio for in-store baking is of course also available for extensive testing in our MIWE Live Baking Centre.
In addition to all the technology for central production, the entire product portfolio for in-store baking is of course also available for extensive testing in our MIWE Live Baking Centre.
At workshops, seminars and events of all kinds, we introduce interested parties to the world of in-store baking at the LBC. Guest here: Bread sommelier Tobias Exner at the MIWE expo.
At workshops, seminars and events of all kinds, we introduce interested parties to the world of in-store baking at the LBC. Guest here: Bread sommelier Tobias Exner at the MIWE expo.
MIWE's master bakers will of course be on hand to assist you with their experience and expertise during your visit to the MIWE Live Baking Centre.
MIWE's master bakers will of course be on hand to assist you with their experience and expertise during your visit to the MIWE Live Baking Centre.

Test our technologies at the MIWE Live Baking Centre in Arnstein

Pictures are patient and only practice shows whether a product delivers what it promises. At the MIWE Live Baking Centre in Arnstein, you can put our baking stations, production ovens and refrigeration systems through their paces in a fully equipped demonstration bakery - including our digital solutions. You can take the motto "Meet the experts" literally: Not only can you ask our master bakers and dough technologists questions in person, we also offer workshops and seminars. We are happy to help you plan your trip!

See what you get: The MIWE planner

Who on earth would ever buy something blindfolded? With the MIWE planner, our virtual 3D bakery planning tool, you can see in advance what the new production line will look like, how it will fit into your bakery and how the processes will run in your operating environment. In addition to the ideal installation location for individual ovens, the ideal solution can also be developed for complex requirements where the smooth interaction and interlocking of several components must be carefully considered.

Innovative technologies for the best baking results

Our many years of expertise and our passion for fragrant bread and crusty rolls flow into the development of our pioneering technologies. As a supplier of individual components as well as complete production systems and software solutions, we have a very clear focus: simple handling, sustainable energy management, efficient automation and outstanding service are fundamental to MIWE products.

Whether complete systems or individual components, whether for proofing, cooling, freezing or baking: MIWE technologies have been developed by experts for experts and make your processes easier day after day. Which solution suits you best? We would be happy to provide you with more information.


Detect energy traps!

Every little bit helps. This also applies to energy consumption when baking in the shop. Baking stations designed for maximum energy efficiency and clever functions help to make better use of expensive energy. Whether through efficient and predictive baking thanks to MIWE Autostart, MIWE Eco mode or MIWE flexbake, or through precise control of the processes in the branches (Is the oven door closed quickly? Are baking chambers standing ready and idle for an unnecessarily long time?) with the MIWE smart baking suite - we have developed numerous ways to help you save energy. After all, the topic of energy has always been dear to us, as our MIWE energy division impressively demonstrates.

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